Welcome aboard Mermaids & Mythology, the new sea*star publication to FAE Magazine (Faeries and Enchantment). It is a full sized, colour glossy printed magazine, and will be 100% carbon neutral and printed on FSC paper.
“At last a mermaid lifestyle magazine for the worldwide mermaid community!”
The debut edition was published in September 2011, and made a huge splash! With lots of exciting features including Hannah Mermaid, the stunning artwork of David Delamare, and coverage of the world Mermaid Awards, plus mermaid fashion, mythology and more…
Mer-Team members include Editor in Chief, Karen Kay, Assistant Editor Cara Bamford, Technical Manager Michael Tingle, Melissa Mermaid, Hannah Mermaid, Emily Carding, and more.
Founder and MerFae Karen Kay says, “I have always loved mermaids and used to draw them constantly when I first moved to Cornwall. I love all things Mer, and love living by the sea, I always feel complete when I look out over the horizon and I love the feelings I get from a calm or stormy sea – unpredictable, wyld and free, a bit like me!”
“When I started FAE magazine back in 2007 there were mermaids in the first and second issues, and they always seem to find their way onto the pages of FAE! So I felt, it was about time they had their own space! A special new mermaid magazine where their watery realms could be explored and adored! And the myths of the sea, with legends and mythology, and some Pirates too!”